P2 – Lomba Lomba/Fajã d`água

  • Start of the route: Lomba Lomba

    End of the route: Fajã d’água

  • Pathway Conservation Status: Bad

  • Length: 1.30 km

    Duration: 1 h

    Difficulty Level:III

    Mobile network coverage: Strong

  • Mode: Hike

The route starts in Lomba Lomba and follows a narrow dirt road for about 400 meters, then you begin to find “zig zag” descents with some cobblestone already showing signs of deterioration between deep mountains. Along this route there are several houses called “water houses” and among others that were once inhabited. In the middle of this route you can come across a small village called Lavadura. This one that was once inhabited by people of rare traits and it is said that the women of this village were only fair-skinned and long haired. There you can see houses with traces of abandoned Portuguese villages, water tanks, the traditional laundry made of stones and cement, washed and even an abandoned school. The place is now used for shepherds to leave their cattle, this is because there are pastures available there, among them some species such as the “Pulgueira” plant as it is known here for producing seed that was once used as oil, and the plant that reproduces the “oril” that is known in the middle of the game of stalls.

When crossing Lavadura towards the fajã d´água, the scenery is green, all because of the water source that is located a few meters away, called “Encontro”. There is water springing up everywhere, on the walls, on the floor, in the passages, until it forms a kind of waterfall in the stream right at the foot of the rock that is the mother of water inside. It is there that all the drinking water for consumption on the island of Brava is supplied. From there, one passes in a wash towards “Lagoa”. On this route, you can see mango trees and other fruits at the ends of the lava until the foot of the “Lagoa”. Arriving at “Lagoa” you will find a bunch of mango trees making an exclusive area for this fruit, where you can enter this area and walk for many minutes in the shade of the mango trees. In the middle of the area there are some inhabited houses and a traditional “Trapitche” deactivated that produced grog on the spot.

Then it goes down to Fajã d´água in a stream with some sand, hoses, washes and tanks. Once this is done, we arrive at Fajã d´água, a paradise, a work of nature made of blue and green, largely because of the contrast between the blue sea bay and the green of its land. Village where beauty exudes, where people live essentially from fishing and agriculture. On top of the fajã d´água is located a place called “Tchanzinha” with characteristics of the “Lagoa”, where the fantastic grog is produced, which bears the name of “Djabi”.

Reference point:

  • Em Lavadura:
  • Townhouses with colonial-style architectural features;
  • Traditional laundry.
  • Source of drinking water that supplies the island.
  • tanks.
  • On Lagoa:
  • traditional Trapitche;
  • Different types of Hoses;
  • On Fajã d´água:
  • Fajã d´água bay;
  • Txanzinha;
  • Old airfield;
  • Natural pools;
  • Church
  • Square containing a memorial with all the names of those who disappeared from the Matilde trip.

Points of interest

natural value

The dense vegetation that is clear from the beginning of the route and the views of mountains in green with a blue background of the sea alone show what is in store for us further on. The particularities of the natural landscapes constituted by species of trees relevant to the survival of the ancestors, the fruit trees, species of threatened fauna, the points of natural mirage, the natural water, the natural pools and the bay in front of the end of the route make this walk in a unique experience that symbolizes a good part of what is the potential to be explored by tourists on the island of Brava.

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