P5 – Lomba/Baía de Tamtum

  • Start of the route: Lomba

    End of the route: Tamtum Bay

  • Path Conservation Status: Fair

  • Length:800m

    Duration: 30mn

    Difficulty Level:III

    Mobile network coverage: Strong

  • Mode: Hike

The route starts in Lomba, which is a town with a considerable population for the size of its territorial space. To get to Lomba, you must go down by public or private transport on a road that connects Campo Baixo to Lomba for approximately 2 kilometers. Arriving there, you can see a different atmosphere from other places on the island. The weather is always hot, people have a Creole accent spoken on the island that is more difficult to understand and the experiences between them are in a euphoric mood. Lomba has great economic and tourist potential as it has sea, sun and agriculture, but it does not have a host accommodation that can receive tourists. The main source of income for the families there is fishing, which has the particularity of being an activity practiced all year round, given to other stops on its slopes that, when the sea is rough, the fishermen change their landing place.
To get to Tamtum Bay, you can cross the entire street inside the town and go down a narrow passage at one end of the town, then start going down a very steep descent with land on both sides until you reach the bay. On this route, it is imperative to see the immensity of the oceans in front and in the background to see the wide and inviting sea of the Bay breaking on the stones that form a kind of half moon of the beautiful Bay of Tamtum. The tricky part of this route is the return to Lomba because the ascent is quite steep.

Reference point:
Em Lomba:
Cable car for transporting fish;
Fish Transformation Cooperative;

in Tamtum:
Fisherman’s House;
Tamtum Bay;
Natural swimming pool.

Points of interest

Natural value

Lomba, being located a few meters from a source of drinking water that comes to Ferreiros (green place), has the particularity of being able to delight its visitors as well as its residents with two panoramic views. One with a green and agricultural landscape and the other on the other side with a dry view of the sea. For those looking for a warm climate on Brava Island, Lomba is ideal. The view that you can enjoy from the place where the cable car to Tamtum Bay is located is spectacular, you can see the entire coastline, in the front a view of the sea and in the background the fishermen disembarking after a day in the toil. at sea, not to mention that whoever is there visiting can witness the entire process of transporting fish through the cable car.

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